Lipo-B Injections

If you have been trying everything and are unable to lose weight, let the experts at Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego. Our team stand on the forefront on the latest and greatest technology and advances in bariatric medicine, and that includes the amazing lipotropic injection Lipo-B. The Lipo-B lipotropic injection helps your body better metabolize and lose fat, unveiling a new and slimmer you.

What Is a lipo-B Injection?

Lipotropic literally means "fat-loving" in reference to substances that are able to help the liver metabolize fats and remove them from the blood stream. Lipotropic nutrients are part of a team of essential agents that play a very important role in the way our body uses fats. The liver is the key organ when it comes to metabolizing fats, and the Lipo-B Injection from Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego. 

What does the Lipo-B Injection Consist of?

The Lipo-B Injection is a mixture of several vitamins and nutrients to make the best fat burning possible. The Lipo-B Injection consists of Vitamin B-12, Choline, Methionine and Inositol. Below we will break down what each of these portions of the Lipo-B Lipotropic Injection do.

Vitamin B12 for metabolism of fat & Natural energy

For more about vitamin B12, read here.

Choline supports the health of the liver and metabolizing fats

Choline is a substance that supports liver functioning and general health of the liver when it comes to processing waste in the chemical form. This substance is an essential part of the transportation and metabolization of fats as well as cholesterol in the body. 

Methionine is important for several bodily functions and general health

Methionine is an amino acid in the body that acts as a lipotropic that stops the buildup of excess fat in the liver. It can also help you feel more alert and awake while reducing fatigue as well as helping fight allergies in certain cases.

Lipo-B Weight Loss Fat Burning Injection San Diego.

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(619) 866-3333

Inositol is a b complex Nutrient that aids in the metabolism of fats

Inositol is a  nutrient that is a primary part of the metabolism of fats and reduction of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream. It also assists in releasing serotonin that can help lift your mood and reduce your appetite.

What are other benefits of a Lipo-B Injection?

Lipo-B doesn't just help you lose weight, it also offers your body additional health and wellness benefits. Here are some of the benefits of Lipo-B injections from Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego. 

  • Increase metabolizing of fat

  • Cleanse the liver of stored fat

  • Lower cholesterol

Lipo-B Lipotropic Injections at Medarts Weight Loss Specialists

If you are ready to take the next step in your weight loss journey, talk to Medarts Weight Loss Specialists. Located in downtown San Diego, Medarts specializes in providing customized weight loss plans that are specialized specifically for you! No "one size fits all" for us! We believe each individual can succeed in losing weight and getting healthy, it is just about having the right weight loss plan. That plan may call for Lipo-B injections, so if you are interested in a consultation with Medarts Weight Loss give us a call today. You can reach us at (858) 870-8795.