Get your skin looking refreshed and glowing with a chemical peel from Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego. We have experts ready to give your skin the treatment it deserves with a chemical peel.

What is a chemical peeL?

A chemical peel is a fairly simple procedure. First, the specialist will thoroughly wash your face, making sure to clear away any grit or grime on your face or lingering just under the surface of the skin. Next, a safe chemical solution will be applied to your face in selected small portions. This creates a small and controlled wound, urging fresh and beautiful new skin to grow in those specified areas.

Does a chemical peel hurt?

A chemical peel does come with some mild discomfort. During the procedure,  most individuals will feel a burning sensation for five to ten minutes. Once the burning sensation has subsided, it will be replaced by a stinging sensation. We can provide some relief from the stinging by applying a cold compress to the skin.  Once the stinging subsides, you may experience some slight irritation for a few days, similar to the feeling you get from a sunburn.

What are the benefits of a chemical peel? 

A chemical peel unveils beautiful, radiant and young looking skin by getting rid of the outer layer. A chemical peel provides a wide variety of benefits to the skin. A chemical peel can help reduce the appearance of lines around the mouth, as well as under the eyes. It also can help treat wrinkles that come with extended exposure to the sun, and just from aging in general. A chemical peel also helps treat acne and other small scars, as well as reduce age spots, freckles and dark patches on the skin.

A great chemical peel can:

  • Reduce fine lines & wrinkles

  • Correct sun damage

  • Improve acne

  • Diminish appearance of scars

  • Correct pigment issues

  • Enhance skin tone & texture

  • Maximize the effectiveness of skincare products

How Often Should You Get a Chemical Peel?

Get a chemical peel from Medarts in San Diego.


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7 Skin Benefits O a Chemical Peel

When it comes to how often you should be getting a chemical peel, it depends on the type of chemical peel you schedule for yourself. There are three types of chemical peels, a light chemical peel, medium chemical peel, and deep chemical peel. For a light chemical peel, we suggest getting the treatment on a monthly basis. For a medium chemical peel, we suggest coming in for treatment every three to six months. Finally, the results of a deep chemical peel last for several years, and only requires a single treatment for best results. Regardless, you don't have to worry about any of this because the expert team at Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego will devise a chemical peel treatment plan for you to get you the best results.

Chemical Peel Instructions

When you come in for a chemical peel, in order to get best results there are specific instructions to follow both before and after the procedure. Read our chemical peel instructions to make sure you are fully aware of your responsibilities before and after getting a peel.


Preoperative Procedures


  • One month before your scheduled chemical peel, you will be given a topical medication that should be applied daily. This medication works to prevent you from developing post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

  • You should apply an SPF 30 sunscreen daily to your skin.

  • Some patient may need an antiviral medication, taken the day of the procedure and taken for 5-10 days afterward.

  • Avoid products containing AHA, BHA, Benzol Peroxide and Retinol a few days prior to the procedure.

  • Avoid exfoliating your skin prior to the procedure.

  • Avoid taking Accutane for the 6 months leading up to a chemical peel procedure.


Postoperative Procedures

  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to protect your skin. Do your best to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible when your skin is peeling.

  • When your skin begins to peel off, splash the peeling skin with a mixture of water and vinegar. This will help the healing process.

  • Do not pull or scrape the exfoliating skin as it peels away. This can make your recovery and healing time last longer and lead to redness and scarring.

  • Keep your skin moist with a combination of water, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Go overboard because you don't want your skin to dry out.

  • Twice a day wash your skin with a gentle cleanser, but make sure to avoid rubbing or scraping your skin.

  • Avoid using any makeup or hairspray during the peeling process, as this can hinder your recovery.

  • If you feel any irritation, use either Aquafor Healing Ointment or Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Cream Deep Moisture Creamy Formula for relief.

Chemical Peel at Medarts Weight Loss Specialists

Medarts Weight Loss Specialists are ready to reveal a more beautiful and youthful you! Contact Medarts in San Diego today by calling (619) 866-3333to get a consultation on whether a chemical peel is right for you.