Phentermine Appetite Suppressant

Phentermine Appetite Suppressant & Anorectic at Medarts.

One of the appetite suppressants that is often used at Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego is Phentermine. This anorectics, as part of a prescribed medical weight loss plan, is a great way to lose unwanted pounds fast!

What is Phentermine?

Phentermine is an Anorectic that is the most commonly prescribed appetite suppressant. Phentermine works similarly to the stimulant amphetamine and suppresses the appetite by interacting with the nervous system. Phentermine is usually part of a larger medical weight loss plan that also includes a change in diet and increase in exercise.

What are some potential side effects of Phentermine?

Phentermine as an appetite suppressant is safe to take if you have a medical professional prescribing you doses. However, Phentermine does have some possible side effects. If you feel any of these serious side effects, please contact a doctor or Medarts Weight Loss Specialists.

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Serious Possible Side Effects of Phentermine that will require medical assistance

  • Chest Pain
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Swelling in the extremities
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Irrational and unusual thoughts and behavior

The serious side effects only occur in rare cases. However, there are some more common mild side effects of Phentermine that should not cause any concern.

Common side effects of phentermine that should not cause any concern

  • A Feeling of hyperactivity or restlessness
  • Dizziness or persistent headaches
  • Issues sleeping and insomnia
  • Constant dry mouth

When should I take Phentermine?

Phentermine is considered to be long acting, therefore it is taken in the early morning and should offer appetite suppression for the entire day and should wear off towards bed time. Make sure to follow Medarts Weight Loss Specialists custom tailored weight loss plan for best results.

Phentermine Appetite Suppressants at Medarts

Are you ready to take that last giant leap towards weight loss? Are you ready to look in the mirror and see the figure you have always dreamed off? Are you ready for all of the benefits weight loss will reap upon you? Then you need to come to Medarts Weight Loss Specialists in San Diego to get a customized weight loss or weight management plan. That plan may include Phentermine, or some other weight loss supplement or anorectic. No matter what the plan calls for, know that you are in good hands with Medarts Weight Loss Specialists. Contact us today or swing by our downtown office for a consultation.